Status Bar

Curio’s Status Bar is located at the bottom of the project window and has an extensible, plugin architecture for displaying and manipulating Curio data.

Using the Status Bar

While visible by default, you can press ⌘/ to toggle the display of of the Status Bar at the bottom of the project window. You may also choose the View > Show/Hide Status Bar menu.


Press / to shift keyboard focus to the status bar, revealing it if necessary.

Hover Info


If you hover the mouse over a figure the Status Bar will display:

  • The double-click action such as opening a file or website or navigating to a different idea space.
  • Progress: 25% done
  • Start and due dates: Oct 15, 2021-Oct 29, 2021
  • Priority: Urgent Priority
  • Rating: ★★★☆☆
  • Tags: #GTD/active #special
  • Custom data values: #FullName="Steve Jobs" #Price=$1,234.99"
  • Resources: @GeorgeB @SteveJ

Move and Resize Info

If you move or resize a figure then the figure’s origin or dimensions are displayed and updated in real time as you continue moving or resizing.



Meta Editing


One of the more powerful modules included with Status Bar is a figure meta data editor.

Begin by selecting one or more figures, and their common meta data will be displayed in the Status Bar. You can then edit the following meta data and press Return to commit these edits:


  • Specify tags: #special #GTD/active #ProductTypes/hardware
    • Prefix with #.
    • Separate tags nested within tag sets using a slash (#GTD/active).
    • Don’t type spaces in tag sets and tag names.
    • Upper and lower casing is ignored.
    • Autocomplete will appear as you type to assist with entry.
    • You can also type a new keyword tag, #details, or tag for an existing tag set, #gtd/finished and it will be created automatically.
  • Delete existing tags by backspacing over them.

Custom Data

  • Specify custom data expressions: #FullName="George Browning" #price=49.99
    • Prefix with #.
    • Don’t type spaces in custom data keys.
    • Upper and lower casing is ignored.
    • Autocomplete will appear as you type to assist with entry.
    • Enter unformatted values, like 1234.99. Curio will apply the custom date key’s formatting automatically when displaying the values, like $1,234.99.
    • Use double quotes if the value has a space in it.
  • Delete existing custom data assignments by backspacing over them.


  • Specify resources: @georgeB @SteveJobs @BrowningGeorge
    • Prefix with @.
    • Don’t type spaces or commas in resource names.
    • Upper and lower casing is ignored.
    • Autocomplete will appear as you type to assist with entry.
    • You can also type a new resource name, like @fred, and it will be created automatically.
  • Delete existing resources by backspacing over them.


  • Specify progress percent completed: 30%
    • Suffix with %.
    • Values of 0 to 100 are accepted.
    • Progress is only displayed for items if the checkmark is visible.
  • Delete an existing progress by backspacing over it.


  • Specify priority: 5!
    • Suffix with !.
    • Values of 1 (very low) to 5 (urgent) are accepted.
  • Alternatively you can enter 1 to 5 exclamation points such as !, !!!, !!!!!, or the priority text, with no spaces, such as verylow, low, medium, high, urgent.
  • Delete an existing priority by backspacing over it.


  • Specify rating: 3*
    • Suffix with *.
    • Values of 1 (★) to 5 (★★★★★) are accepted.
  • Alternatively you can enter 1 to 5 asterisks or stars such as *, ***, ******, or , ★★★, ★★★★★.
  • Delete an existing rating by backspacing over it.


The meta status bar will display figure start and due dates for editing only if they are not automatically determined based on parents, siblings, children, or durations.

If you decide to specify a start or due date then Curio will make sure the figure is set to manually specified for that date property as you are forcing a specified value.

Start Date
  • Specify start date: 12/25/21
    • No prefix.
    • Use either /, ., or - for separators: 12/25/21 or 12.25.21 or 12-25-21 are all accepted.
    • Leading zero for single digit numerals is optional: 06 or 6.
    • The year, which is optional, can be 2 (12/25/21) or 4 digits (12/25/2021). If not specified, the current year is assumed.
    • Automatically determines US-style “month day” (12/25) or European style “day month” (25/12) format based on your System Preferences > Language & Region. You may force it to “month day” or “day month” if you wish.
    • The year-month-day ISO format (2021-12-25) is also recognized with slashes, dashes, or dots.
    • Note that times cannot be specified, currently.
  • Delete an existing start date by backspacing over it.
Due Date
  • Specify due date: -12/31/21
    • Prefix with -.
    • Otherwise same rules as above.
  • Delete an existing due date by backspacing over it.
Start and Due Dates
  • Specify both a start and due date: 12/25/21-12/31/21
    • No prefix.
    • Same rules as above but the separator between the start and due must be a dash -.
    • Since year is optional any of these examples are valid: 12/25-12/31, 12.25-12.31, 12-25-12-31.
    • If you generally use a dash as a month-day-year separator then both start and due must either include or not include the 2 or 4 digit year. You can’t have one with the year and the other without as that would lead to potential parsing mishaps.
  • Delete an existing start and/or due date by backspacing over it.


If you specify a duration and the due date is not currently set to manually specified then setting a duration will set the due date to computed based on start date + duration, mirroring the functionality of the duration field in the inspector.

  • Specify a duration: 3d
    • Suffix with d, w, m, y, for day, week, month, and year, respectively. These can be overridden (day, week, month, year) and the same suffix is used in Quick Find’s search queries.
    • Note that durations in hours or minutes cannot be specified, currently.
  • Delete an existing duration by backspacing over it.