Keyboard Shortcuts

In addition to standard menu shortcuts, such as ⌘S to save, Curio supports a large number of keyboard shortcuts you can use to be more productive.

⌘ = Command, ⌥ = Option, ⌃ = Control, ⇧ = Shift, ⌫ = Delete, ⏎ = Return, ⎋ = Escape

Customizing Shortcuts

Some shortcuts can be customized with Curio’s Advanced Settings.

In addition, you can make your own custom keyboard shortcuts to any menu item within Curio, including figures styles and stencils displayed in the Format and Insert main menus, using System Settings > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts. A handy tutorial can be found here.


Action Shortcut
Show/Hide Organizer ⇧⌘0 (zero)
Show/Hide Shelf ⌥⌘0 (zero)
Show/Hide Organizer and Shelf ⌥⇧⌘0 (zero) or ` (backtick)
Show idea space at actual size ⌘0 or double-click zoom slider if in toolbar
Quick zoom out to fit Hold down Q
Quick zoom in Hold down ⇧Q
Dismiss an open inspector popover ⎋ (Escape)
Zoom both split views Hold ⇧ and use the zoom popup toolbar control, the zoom toolbar slider, or the Zoom to Actual Size, Zoom to Fit, or Zoom to Width menu items to zoom both the primary view and the secondary view.
Zoom both split views to actual size Hold ⇧ while double-clicking or ⌥-clicking the zoom slider will set both the primary view and the secondary view to actual size.


Action Shortcut
Pan Scroll with mouse or trackpad;
or hold down Spacebar then click and drag to pan
Zoom in Outward pinch gesture with trackpad;
or ⌥⌘Scroll Up;
or hold down Spacebar, then hold down ⌘, then click to zoom
Zoom out Inward pinch gesture with trackpad;
or ⌥⌘Scroll Down;
or hold down Spacebar, then hold down ⌥, then click to zoom
Zoom in within gallery windows Outward pinch gesture with trackpad;
or ⌥⌘Scroll Up
Zoom out within gallery windows Inward pinch gesture with trackpad;
or ⌥⌘Scroll Down
Smart Zoom (if enabled in System Settings) Double tap to zoom, double tap again to restore


Action Shortcut
Embed a copy of a file into Curio Drag file from Finder to an idea space
Move file into Curio ⌘Drag file from Finder to an idea space
Create an alias to a file within Curio ⌥Drag file from Finder to an idea space
Drag a copy of the asset file associated with a figure out of Curio Select a single asset figure, ⌥⇧⌘Drag the figure and notice you are now dragging its file representation, release the keys while still continuing to drag, then drop the file on the Finder, Desktop, or other application


Action Shortcut
Select tool ⎋ (Escape)
Figure tool F
Text tool T
Line tool L
Brush tool B
Eraser tool E


Action Shortcut
Change the active layer to the next layer down ⌥{
Change the active layer to the next layer up ⌥}

Figure Snapping

Action Shortcut
Toggle edge snap guide S
Toggle center snap guide C
Toggle snap to grid G
Show/Hide grid ⇧G

Figure Navigating

Action Shortcut
Select the next figure on the idea space
If editing a figure, select the next editable figure on the idea space ⌃⇥ (or enable ⇥ and ⇧⇥)
Select the previous figure on the idea space ⇧⇥
If editing a figure, select the previous editable figure on the idea space ⌃⇧⇥ (or enable ⇥ and ⇧⇥)
If Tab is used to navigate and you want to insert a tab while editing a figure ⌥⇥

Figure Nudging

Action Shortcut
Move object by one pixel Arrow keys (if grid is not enabled)
⌥Arrow or ⇧Arrow keys (if grid is enabled)
Move object by one grid space Arrow keys (if grid is enabled)
⌥Arrow or ⇧Arrow keys (if grid is not enabled)
Move object to next grid intersection ⌥⇧Arrow keys

Figure Sizing

Action Shortcut
Resize object Drag selection handle
Constrain aspect ratio when resizing object ⇧Drag handle (note that some items, like images, default to resizing proportionally, so holding ⇧ would allow you to resize those figures non-proportionally)
Drag out a sticky connecting line ⌥Drag selection handle
Resize object to its natural size, but no wider than the right edge of the idea space N
Resize object to its natural size, expanding the idea space if necessary ⇧N

Figure Rotating

Action Shortcut
Rotate object ⌘Drag selection handle
Rotate object 45° R
Rotate object -45° ⇧R
Rotate object 1° ⌥R
Rotate object -1° ⌥⇧R
Rotate object to 0° Z

Figure Selection

Action Shortcut
Add (or remove) selected object to previously selected objects ⇧Click, ⌘Click
Add (or remove) selected range to previously selected objects ⇧Drag, ⌘Drag
Constrain selected range to figure layer ⌥Drag
Constrain selected range to scribble layer ⌥⌘Drag
Bring figure to front ⌥Click

Figure Copying

Action Shortcut
Cut selected text or object ⌘X
Copy selected text or object ⌘C
Paste selected text or object ⌘V
Duplicate object ⌥Drag or ⌘D
Delete selected object

Figure Meta

Action Shortcut
Toggle status bar visibility ⌘/
Set keyboard focus on status bar /
Toggle checkbox ⇧X
Toggle checkbox checked/unchecked state X
Set rating from 0 to 5 stars 0 through 5
Set priority to none, very low, low, medium, high, urgent ⌥0 through ⌥5
Set percent complete to 10% through 100% and show checkbox ⇧1 through ⇧0
Set percent complete to 0% and hide checkbox ⌥⇧0
Show the percent complete mini popover %
Show the dates mini popover D
Toggle start date ⌥D
Toggle due date ⇧D
Show the tags mini popover #
When editing tag emoji field, display the standard Mac OS Character Viewer popover to insert an emoji or Unicode symbol ⌃⌘Spacebar
Toggle notes window visibility ⌘\
Increase the adornment flag size ^]
Decrease the adornment flag size ^[

Figure Miscellaneous

Action Shortcut
Play/pause a selected media figure ⇧⏯️
Open a figure’s asset, go to the figure’s jump target, or activate in-place browsing or editing of movies, WebViews, or PDFs Double-Click on figure
Open the figure’s asset bypassing in-place browsing ⌥Double-Click on figure
Edit the text or caption of the selected figure, else activate and play a selected video figure shown as preview or audio figure, or activate a PDF figure shown as preview, or activate a live web view figure ⏎ or ⇧⏎ to skip editing
Deactivate an activated video or audio figure, PDF figure, or live web view figure (if the site’s not capturing keystrokes), or stop the playback of an audio media figure ⎋ (Escape)
Show Insert popover menu I
Show Quick Look Preview Spacebar if not a parent node in a list or mind map, else ⌥⇧Spacebar
Toggle shadow S
Flip through a series of overlapping figures ⌥Scroll with mouse hovering over overlapping figures
Decrease the pen size used for borders and lines [
Increase the pen size used for borders and lines ]
Decrease the adornment flag size ^[
Increase the adornment flag size ^]
Decrease the figure corner {
Increase the figure corner }
Decrease the figure margin ⌥{
Increase the figure margin ⌥}
Decrease the figure width ^{
Increase the figure width ^}

Brush & Pens

Action Shortcut
Decrease the brush size when painting [
Increase the brush size when painting ]

Text Editing

Action Shortcut
Edit the text or caption of the selected figure
Create a new text figure Click on the idea space background if the Text tool is active, else double-click if the Select tool is active
Create a new text figure with a certain width Click and drag on the idea space background if the Text tool is active, else double-click and drag if the Select tool is active
Create text figure under selected object ⌘⏎
Create text figure over selected object ⇧⌘⏎
Enter a carriage return while editing ⌥⏎
End text editing ⎋ (Escape)

Idea Graphs

Action Shortcut
Create a connected text figure with directional line While editing an existing text figure, ⌘Click on the idea space background
Create a connected text figure with bidirectional line While editing an existing text figure, ⇧⌘Click on the idea space background
Create a connected text figure with nondirectional line While editing an existing text figure, ⌥⌘Click on the idea space background
Quickly connect one figure to another with directional line Drag one figure on another while holding ⌘
Quickly connect one figure to another with bidirectional line Drag one figure on another while holding ⇧⌘
Quickly connect one figure to another with nondirectional line Drag one figure on another while holding ⌥⌘


Action Shortcut
Snap line to 45 degree increment ⇧ (while dragging endpoint)
Add another point to a line currently being created Hold ⌥ while releasing mouse button then click for the next point
Add another point to an existing line Right-click on the line and choose Insert Midpoint
Stick line endpoint to a location within a target figure ⌘ (while dragging endpoint)
Freely position line endpoint (will not stick to another figure) ⌃ (while dragging endpoint)

List Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Create next text sibling ⌘⏎ or ⏎ if editing
Create previous text sibling ⇧⌘⏎ or ⇧⏎ if editing
Create child ⌥⌘⏎
Create parent ⇧⌥⌘⏎
Split the text at the current cursor position and make new sibling ⌃⌥⏎
Enter a carriage return while editing ⌥⏎
Indent a collection figure (turn figure into a child) ⇥ or ⌃⇧→
Outdent a collection figure (turn figure into a parent) ⇧⇥ or ⌃⇧←
Insert a tab while editing ⌥⇥
Toggle the expand/collapse of a branch Quick Spacebar Tap
Toggle the expand/collapse of a branch and its children Quick ⌥Spacebar Tap or ⌥Click the expand/collapse widget
Toggle the expand/collapse all branches at this level Quick ⇧Spacebar Tap or ⇧Click the expand/collapse widget
Move the selected figures above their siblings ⌃⇧↑
Move the selected figures below their siblings ⌃⇧↓
Adopt the branch style when moving nodes Press ⇧ right before dropping
Create a connected list figure with directional line Select an existing list figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected list figure with bidirectional line Select an existing list figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected list figure with nondirectional line Select an existing list figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Mind Map Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Create next text sibling ⌘⏎ or ⏎ if editing
Create previous text sibling ⇧⌘⏎ or ⇧⏎ if editing
Create child ⇥ or ⌥⌘⏎
Create parent ⇧⇥ or ⇧⌥⌘⏎
Split the text at the current cursor position and make new sibling ⌃⌥⏎
Enter a carriage return while editing ⌥⏎
Indent a collection figure (turn figure into a child) ⌃⌘→ or ⌃⇧→
Outdent a collection figure (turn figure into a parent) ⌃⌘← or ⌃⇧←
Toggle the expand/collapse of a branch Quick Spacebar Tap
Toggle the expand/collapse of a branch and its children Quick ⌥Spacebar Tap or ⌥Click the expand/collapse widget
Toggle the expand/collapse all branches at this level Quick ⇧Spacebar Tap or ⇧Click the expand/collapse widget
Move the selected figures above their siblings ⌃⇧↑
Move the selected figures below their siblings ⌃⇧↓
Adopt the branch style when moving nodes Press ⇧ right before dropping
Create a connected mind map figure with directional line Select an existing mind map figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected mind map figure with bidirectional line Select an existing mind map figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected mind map figure with nondirectional line Select an existing mind map figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Table Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Edit the next item
Edit the previous item ⇧⇥
Enter a carriage return while editing ⌥⏎
Resize just a row or column, without resizing entire table ⌥Drag row or column divider
Add Row Above Select cell, press ⌥Up
Add Row Above and Resize Table Select cell, press ⌥⇧Up
Add Row Below Select cell, press ⌥Down
Add Row Below and Resize Table Select cell, press ⌥⇧Down
Add Column Before Select cell, press ⌥Left
Add Column Before and Resize Table Select cell, press ⌥⇧Left
Add Column After Select cell, press ⌥Right
Add Column After and Resize Table Select cell, press ⌥⇧Right
Create a connected table figure with directional line Select an existing table figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected table figure with bidirectional line Select an existing table figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected table figure with nondirectional line Select an existing table figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Index Card Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Move between the title and body fields ⇥, ⇧⇥
Insert a tab while editing ⌥⇥
Toggle the expand/collapse of the index card Quick Spacebar Tap (while the index card or its title is selected)
Create a connected index card figure with directional line Select an existing index card figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected index card figure with bidirectional line Select an existing index card figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected index card figure with nondirectional line Select an existing index card figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Album Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Toggle the expand/collapse of the album Quick Spacebar Tap (while the album is selected, note this is only possible if the pinboard has a title)
Create a connected album figure with directional line Select an existing album figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected album figure with bidirectional line Select an existing album figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected album figure with nondirectional line Select an existing album figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Pinboard Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Toggle the expand/collapse of the pinboard Quick Spacebar Tap (while the pinboard is selected, note this is only possible if the pinboard has a title)
Create a connected pinboard figure with directional line Select an existing pinboard figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected pinboard figure with bidirectional line Select an existing pinboard figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected pinboard figure with nondirectional line Select an existing pinboard figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background

Stack Collections

Action Shortcut
Edit selected item
Stop editing item ⎋ (Escape)
Delete selected item
Create next text sibling ⌘⏎, or just ⏎ if editing
Create previous text sibling ⇧⌘⏎, or just ⇧⏎ if editing
Move the selected figures above their siblings ⌃⇧↑
Move the selected figures below their siblings ⌃⇧↓
Toggle the expand/collapse of the stack Quick Spacebar Tap (while the stack is selected, note this is only possible if the stack has a title)
Create a connected stack figure with directional line Select an existing stack figure, ⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected stack figure with bidirectional line Select an existing stack figure, ⇧⌘Click on idea space background
Create a connected stack figure with nondirectional line Select an existing stack figure, ⌥⌘Click on idea space background


Action Shortcut
Rename an Organizer item ⏎, Enter
Indent Organizer items to the right
Move indented Organizer items to the left ⇧⇥
Extend selection to the selected Organizer item ⇧Click
Add the selected range to previously selected Organizer items ⇧Drag
Add (or remove) selected Organizer item to previously selected Organizer items ⌘Click
Select next Organizer item ↓, or ⌘↓ if the Organizer doesn’t have focus
Extend selection to the next Organizer item ⇧↓
Select previous Organizer item ↑, or ⌘↑ if the Organizer doesn’t have focus
Extend selection to the previous Organizer item ⇧↑
Delete selected Organizer items
Create new blank idea space ⌥Click the Add toolbar button
Create new idea space with same style/template as current ⇧Click the Add toolbar button
Create a copy of an Organizer item ⌥Drag the item to a destination location
Create an alias to an Organizer item ⌥⌘Drag the item to a destination location
Collapse selected Organizer item
Collapse selected Organizer item and all child Organizer items ⌥←
Expand selected Organizer item
Expand selected Organizer item and all child Organizer items ⌥→
Scroll down a “page” of Organizer items without changing the selection Page Down
Scroll up a “page” of Organizer items without changing the selection Page Up

Presentation Mode

Action Shortcut
End the presentation ⎋ (Escape)
Go to the next slide →, ↓, Page Down, ⌘↓, Click when mouse cursor is hidden
Go to the previous slide ←, ↑, Page Up, ⌘↑, ⌥Click (or Right-Click) when mouse cursor is hidden
Go to the first slide Home
Go to the last slide End
Go back in history [, Backspace, ⌘←
Go forward in history ], ⌘→
Toggle the expand/collapse of a selected mind map branch Quick Spacebar Tap
Toggle the expand/collapse of a selected mind map branch and its children Quick ⌥Spacebar Tap
Toggle the expand/collapse all selected mind map branches at this level Quick ⇧Spacebar Tap
Toggle scaling mode S
Zoom Out (experimental) , or <
Zoom In (experimental) . or >
Zoom Actual Size (experimental) /
Scroll the idea space Click and drag on the background or use mouse or trackpad scrolling
Select a figure Click on figure
Open a figure’s asset or go to the figure’s jump target Double-Click on figure
Play/pause a selected media figure Spacebar
Set a rating 0 through 5 (when a figure is selected)