Curio 31 Release Notes πŸ“–

Release Date

February 8, 2025


Curio 31 runs on macOS Ventura 13 through macOS Sequoia 15 on Apple silicon or Intel.

Feature Availability

Features only available in certain editions will be listed with colored tags, like .

New Features

Sync Files

Curio Professional can now sync the contents of text figures and list, mind map, stack, and table collection figures to external files, either bidirectionally, export only, or import only.

Text figures can sync with md files; list, mind map, and stack collections can sync with lists in md, opml, or taskpaper files; table collections can sync with tables in md, csv, or tsv files.

You can Option-drag a file to the idea space and set it up immediately as a file-synced figure, or you right-click on an existing figure and choose to sync it with a new or chosen file. In either case, an alias to the sync file is stored with the figure.

SyncFileDragDrop SyncFileContextMenu

For collections synced with markdown, meta information is included so you can change dates, checked/unchecked state, progress, tags, priority, and more, and those changes will be reflected back to your idea space. Syncing with markdown files allows syncing of images which are exported into an Assets folder with automatic friendly filenames for duplicates (like Image.jpg, Image 2.jpg, Image 3.jpg). Obsidian or Marked image sizing is also supported.

The file syncing occurs instantly when a change is detected either to the figure or the sync file. And files can be located anywhere including cloud-synced folders like iCloud or Dropbox. For example, you can sync a todo list figure in Curio with a markdown list file located within a cloud-synced Obsidian vault allowing you to make changes using Obsidian on iOS which are instantly reflected back to your Curio on macOS.

SVG Image Figures

Curio now supports SVG image figures! Simply drag in an .svg file or paste a raw text SVG and a scalable, vector-based image will be rendered.

As listed in the docs, there are tons of online SVG libraries, online SVG editors, and macOS-native SVG editors so you can easily extend Curio with more fun icons and custom shapes.


Text Gradient Coloring

Curio now supports text coloring with linear gradients!


Markup Image

You can now right-click on a jpeg or png image figure and choose File > Markup Image to bring up the standard macOS markup popover.

This allows you to crop (finally πŸ₯³), annotate, highlight, and scribble on the image then instantly see the updated image on your idea space.



Tag Set Capsule Colors

You can now assign a color to a tag set which will be used to create small colored capsules enclosing the tag name as an adornment alongside the figure. This tag capsule will be used in cases where the tag doesn't have an emoji or image assigned to it. Of course, if your tag name has an emoji within it, then the tag capsule will include that emoji as well.

You can even enable this feature for all tags even if a color isn't assigned to its tag set, in which case a gray color capsule will be created.


Mind Map Line Thickness

You can now specify the thickness of mind map connecting lines: thin, medium, or thick. Generally the thicker lines look much better when using a line style other than straight, such as curved or elbow.

Relatedly, the non-straight line styles are now drawn to directly connect to the connecting child node, instead of to a tiny connection circle. The result is less busy looking.


Last Modified Adornment

You can now enable the display of a last modified adornment via the figure's date inspector panel. An example is the 1/20/25 shown in the tag capsules screenshot shown above.

On a related note, internally a figure's last modified date is less sensitive to updating due to a simple figure styling or position change. Content or meta attribute changes will always update the last modified date.



  • Organizer Sidebar Toolbar

    The default sidebar toolbar now includes the Add idea space button, as this is the logical place for it. If you've customized your toolbar you can manually ⌘-drag your existing Add button to this left sidebar toolbar area.

    Also added a workaround for an Apple bug where their toolbar system can move buttons from that sidebar toolbar to the toolbar's far-right overflow menu (!) if the Organizer sidebar is collapsed or resized too small.


    The Organizer toolbar button menu has been improved so you can easily jump to another section without having to show sections first. Note you now click and hold this button to show the Organizer button's popup menu as it's been reimplemented to use a native combo button introduced in macOS 13.


    Improved the Projects toolbar button menu so (1) the path is included in the listing, (2) you can hold Command and choose a file to reveal it in the Finder, just like Spotlight, and (3) broken aliases to old projects are no longer listed.


  • Toolbar
    The toolbar buttons has been modernized to use new API's added in more recent macOS releases. Among other perks this fixes things like a disabled toolbar button image but its button label is enabled or vice versa (like with the Lock / Unlock buttons).
  • Automatic Flag Size

    You can now set the adornment flag size so it will be automatically computed based on the figure's font size. If the font size changes, the flag size changes dynamically as well (it's pretty slick). All built-in styles now have an automatic flag size.


  • Meta Pseudo Tags

    The Quick Find popover and Search shelf now support a slew of new dynamically applied pseudo tags like #meta/prioritized to find all figures with a priority, #meta/syncfile to find all figures with sync files, and much more!

    The Quick Find popover and Search shelf will now autocomplete when typing a #meta pseudo tag.

    QuickFindMeta SearchMeta

    And new friendly entries for these items have been added to Quick Find and Search's Meta Misc menu when you click the keyboard icon button.


    Relatedly, the #meta/notchecked has been tweaked so it's set when a figure's progress < 100 (instead of >0 and <100).

  • Meta Tweaks

    The keyboard shortcuts for some meta elements have been tweaked:
    - Percent complete progress popover: P
    - Tags popover: M (for meta)
    - Percent complete: 1 (10%) ... 9 (90%) -> 0 (100%), press 0 again to reset to 0%
    - Priority: βŒ₯1 (very low) ->βŒ₯5 (urgent) and βŒ₯0 is none
    - Rating: ⇧1 (β˜…) -> ⇧5 (β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…β˜…) and ⇧0 is none
    - A new Resources context menu item (if your project has resources)
    - Plus a refreshed Meta context menu which shows those keyboard shortcuts:


    Clicking a figure's checkmark toggles the check of course. Option-clicking now shows a popup menu with the same steps specified via the Meta context menu's Percent Complete Steps option. Shift-Option-click if you want to see the mini popover which lets you set any value. That mini popover plus the inspector panel itself have both been updated to support Percent Complete Steps via their little steppers and a handy new popup menu button.

    CheckmarkMenu PercentCompleteMiniPopover PercentCompleteInspector

    And the Status task context menu has also been refreshed and now uses Percent Complete Steps as well.


    Plus the priority and ratings adornment menus, which appear if you simply click on the respective adornment, have also been refreshed to maintain consistent ordering of items: percent complete, priority, and rating are all ordered from low to high.

    PriorityMenu RatingsMenu

  • Adornment Tooltips
    You can now enable or disable the display of specific adornment tooltips if you wish.
  • Figure Context Menu Cleanup
    Cleaned up the context menu that appears when you right-click on a figure, including adding File (if applicable) and Arrange submenus. This context menu has been getting too long, especially on laptops, as Apple has been appending more Continuity items to context menus at run time, such as taking a photo with your iPhone, plus the Services menu item.
  • Markdown Table Column Alignments
    Markdown left-center-right table alignments are now applied to a markdown table dragged into an idea space. They are also output when exported/synced to a markdown file.
  • Markdown Headings
    The rendering of single-line text figure that begins with a "#" as a markdown heading can now be disabled allowing you to create a text figure that contains simply "# of guests" without triggering a markdown heading render.
  • Markdown Export Notes Footnotes Format
    When exporting markdown, any included figure notes are now output in the very popular Obsidian (and Pandoc) inline footnote format by default instead of MultiMarkdown's format, but this can be customized in advanced settings.
  • Markdown Export Notes Footnotes New Lines
    Related to the above, when exporting markdown figure notes as inline footnotes you can now customize how Curio replaces new lines. The default is now 3 spaces (instead of 1 space), which makes it possible to import footnotes into a figure's notes. You can also set the replacement to a single space, 2 spaces, ¢ (Option-7), ⏎, or anything else. If anything other than single space is used then it will be converted back into new lines during import or sync.
  • Markdown Import Inline Footnotes
    Curio does not normally import footnotes by default. This is because notes lose rich text formatting when exported so if imported you will lose formatting. But if you use unformatted text for your notes then you can enable import/syncing.
  • Inspector Bar Font Size Stepper

    The inspector bar's text controls now includes a font size stepper button so you can easily increase or decrease the font size for the selected figure.


  • Inspector Shelf Font and Font Face Stepper
    On the text inspector shelf there's a new stepper for font (Helvetica, Times, ...) and for font face (regular, oblique, light, ...) so you can march through items. Those aren't on the inspector bar since they're less commonly needed.
  • Smart Paste URL
    You can now copy an URL, like from the location bar of your browser, or an URL text string copied from anywhere, and paste it on selected text within a text figure and that text will turn into a link to that URL. In other words, you don't have to bring up the Link (⌘K) dialog first and paste the URL in there; just paste the URL directly on the selected text and the text will turn into a link to that URL.
  • Natural Size

    When the Natural Size button is clicked or the N shortcut is pressed then the selected image will expand to its natural size, constrained by the edge of the idea space; holding Shift will allow the idea space to expand if necessary. However, for super large images, like from your iPhone, Curio normally caps the max size at 1500 width or height for performance. Now, you can hold Option and the full resolution image will be reloaded from disk, the image will resize to its full size, and the idea space will expand if necessary. This may come in handy if occasionally want to work with very large images at their full resolution.


  • Project Library Auto Refresh
    In the Project library, when the scope is the current idea space or its tree, then the display of assets now refreshes based on whichever split view is active.
  • Photoshop Big File Format
    The Kind popups in the Project and Local library now includes .psb (Photoshop Big) as a type of Photoshop file.
  • Improved Arrow Key Navigation
    Lots of tweaks to better handle arrow keys to navigate around various collections in general and specifically for mind map's many arrangements.
  • Organizer Context Menu
    Added Export As > Curio Project to the Organizer's right-click context menu.
  • Missing Jump Destination
    Better error alert if a jump destination (figure or Organizer item) was not found.
  • Table of Contents Speedup ⚑️
    Massive speedup when generating a table of contents list or mind map figure.
  • Typing Speedup ⚑️
    Significant speedup when typing due to more optimized refilling of the File > Share, Format > Apply, and Insert > Stencil submenus.
  • Image Figures Speedup ⚑️
    Significant speedup when navigating between idea spaces containing lots of images by keeping more image data in the project data cache for instantaneous initial renderings.
  • Organizer Preview Size
    You can now override the default size for idea space previews shown in the Organizer.
  • Organizer Show Sections/Filter
    You can now specify if the Organizer's sections area and/or filter area should be displayed on launch by default.
  • Insert File / Attach File
    Minor change so Insert File and Attach File both auto-expand their dialogs upon opening to show the embed/alias/copy option.


  • Caption Width

    Fixed an issue where a caption outisde the figure's border wasn't the full width including margins as it was supposed to be. If the caption is inside the figure's border then it is still restricted to the width of the image.


  • Markdown Headings
    Fixed issue with rendering a markdown header which has a number at the start (like # 1. Hi There)
  • Markdown List Line Items
    Fixed issues when parsing a markdown list to better support list items that are wrapped (that is, a list line item continues on the subsequent lines in the markdown, but with no indention or dash/number prefix) and/or multi-line (that is, a list line item continues on the subsequent lines in the markdown, that are indented but with no dash/number prefix).
  • Markdown Empty Cell
    Fixed issue where the parsing of a markdown table with an empty cell (such as an empty top-left corner if you table column and row headings) wasn't rendered correctly.
  • Markdown Syntax Export
    Fixed issues exporting markdown that is also styled so the result makes sense. For example, if you have this markdown **bold text** that is also given a bold font attribute in the text figure then the correct markdown is exported (**bold text** not ****bold text****).
  • Markdown List Bullets
    Fixed fat bullets so they correctly use the normal bullet weight.
  • Markdown List Indentions
    Fixed markdown rendering bug which would sometimes ignore list indentions until project reloaded.
  • Markdown Image
    Fixed regex for markdown image syntax parsing so Curio supports an empty alt text.
  • List Figure Spacing
    Fixed issue with the list title being a tad too close to the first item in the list. And fixed the line spacing so it's applied between siblings within a hierarchical level correctly.
  • Splitter Issues
    Fixed issue where the main idea space content splitter was not being restored to the correct spot on relaunch. Relatedly, fixed issues with the default widths for the Organizer and shelf.
  • Organizer Columns
    Fixed issue where the Organizer flags column and number column were not sized within the Organizer column correctly.
  • LinkBack Cache
    Fixed issue where double-clicking a LinkBack item, such as an equation from LaTeXiT, modifying it in that app, and then returning to Curio wasn't refreshing the figure due to the figure cache added in Curio 30.
  • Action Inspector
    Fixed issue where the figure action inspector wasn't show the thumbnail image for a jump target.
  • List Bullets
    Fixed issue where list figures that use bullets or diamonds now do a better job lining up a line item's expand/collapse widget, which replaces a bullet for that node, with sibling bullets.
  • Line Shadows
    Fixed several shadow clipping issues with line figures.
  • Clip to Mask
    Fixed issue with a flipped clip to mask figure effect.
  • Trash Section Coloring
    Fixed issue where the Trash section was not refreshing its coloring reliably.
  • Popover Window Ordering
    Fixed issue where a popover, like the style gallery popover, was ordered above confirmation alerts, like if you tried to delete a style.
  • Organizer Navigation
    Fixed issue where βŒ˜β† and βŒ˜β†’ weren't going backwards/forwards in history correctly.
  • Modifying a Query-Based Collection
    Fixed issue where you could add a new figure to a dynamic query-based collection.
  • Copy As Image
    Fixed issues where Copy As JPG may have a black background and where Copy As PNG or JPG could have a width and height 1 pixel too large.
  • Shelf Toolbar Buttons
    Fixed issue where dragging the shelf closed wasn't refreshing the shelf toolbar buttons.
  • Synced Figure Instances
    Fixed issue where synced figure instances kept changing each others horizontal alignment which isn't good if you have one in a mind map (thus centered) and another in a list or stack (thus left aligned).
  • Organizer Rename New Idea Space
    Fixed issue where enabling the Organizer Rename New Idea Space advanced setting didn't work with new idea spaces created via template.
  • [31.0.1] Restore Subscription
    Fixed issue where Curio for Mac App Store wasn't able to correctly retrieve the user's existing subscription receipt (due to RevenueCat 5 issue, reverting to RC 4 fixed it).
  • [31.0.2] Video Figure Preview Image
    Fixed image caching issues with video figures so now they can display a video's preview/poster image.
  • [31.0.2] Video Figure Preview Image
    Fixed issue with video figures not finding a poster image when running on macOS Sequoia if the video track didn't start at the very beginning of the video file.
  • [31.0.2] Organizer Expand/Collapse All
    Fixed support for holding Option key and choosing Organizer > Expand/Collapse All to quickly expand or collapse all items in the Organizer.
  • [31.0.2] Quick Look
    Fixed issue where if an asset figure's Quick Look preview thumbnail was not returned at the default resolution (1500Γ—1500), Curio will automatically try for a smaller thumbnail (512Γ—512). This fixes Quick Look preview thumbnails for MindeNode and Simple Comic documents.
  • [31.0.2] Pasting JPEG Images
    Fixed issue when pasting a JPEG image (like via Import From iPhone > Take Photo) the resulting image was blurry. Curio will now make sure to take a given JPEG directly if on the clipboard instead of grabbing a TIFF and re-compressing.
  • [31.0.2] Figure Tooltips
    Fixed issue where a figure's tooltip could get in the way of clicking on an adornment, if the figure was close to the right edge of the window so the tooltip was displayed towards the left.
  • [31.0.2] Scribble Speedup ⚑
    Fixed subtle pause between brush strokes while in scribble mode which is most apparent when handwriting. The result is a 15% speedup.


🚨 Evernote and LinkBack Deprecations

As a notice, Curio's support for Evernote and LinkBack will cease at some point, although they both still work currently.

Evernote isn't nearly as popular as it was over a decade ago and the old API code that Curio's Evernote shelf uses to talk directly to the Evernote cloud has long had issues. Of course you can always use Evernote's native macOS app to copy notes into Curio.

The 3rd party LinkBack code framework is almost 15 years old and still relies on system calls that Apple deprecated way back in MacOS X 10.13 High Sierra.