Curio 5.1 Release Notes
Release Date
September 19, 2008
Curio runs on macOS Leopard (10.5). OS X Tiger (10.4) is no longer supported!
Feature Availability
Features only available in certain editions will be listed with color-coded words like this [ProStandard].
New Features
Curio 5.1 adds some cool new features based on the feedback we received after launching Curio 5.
Project Encryption [Pro]
Via the new File > Set Password menu, you can now set a password to control access to a project.
A password secures your project by encrypting its contents.
When a project is encrypted the following restrictions are imposed:
- You cannot see the status of the project through the Project Center or Status shelf (since that would reveal the contents of the "next due" item) until it has been loaded.
- You cannot use Quick Look in the Finder to see a preview or thumbnail of an encrypted project (since that would reveal its contents).
- You cannot use Spotlight to search for items in the project (since that would reveal its contents).
Internally, Curio is using openssl's AES-128 support to handle the encryption and decryption.
Note that any embedded assets, including documents, images, and audio and video recordings, will not be encrypted.
WARNING: If you forget your password, your data will be lost. Zengobi cannot decrypt the project for you.
If you need to encrypt everything in your Curio project — including all embedded assets — we'd recommend using either a volume protected with FileVault, or an encrypted disk image that you use to store your Curio projects (perhaps one disk image per client, for example). Alternatively, you can use an application such as Knox which can automate the creation and sizing of encrypted disk images.
Huge Spread PDF Speedup
The Spread PDF feature has been completely rewritten so it is now shockingly fast and can easily handle very large PDFs with 100's of pages.
- The 204 page Keynote '08 User's Guide now takes 2 seconds to automatically create and spread over 204 idea spaces!
- The 701 page Aperture 2 User Manual now takes 12 seconds to automatically create and spread over 701 idea spaces!
You can, of course, create an initial idea space that contains multiple instances of the same PDF and the spread will be even faster. For example, drag the Aperture 2 manual to an idea space and duplicate that image figure and make it show page 2 of the PDF (using the Display inspector). Then right-click the idea space in the Organizer and choose Spread PDF and it will create 351 idea spaces, in roughly 6 seconds, each showing 2 pages of the PDF. Or make the initial idea space have 3 instances showing pages 1, 2, and 3 of the PDF then spread it and it will create 234 idea spaces (in roughly 3 seconds) each showing 3 pages of the PDF.
Date Calendar Popup
Clicking on the date controls in the Inspector Bar and the Dates Inspector will now reveal a popup calendar.
Print Headers and Footers
Printing idea spaces, or exporting/mailing them as PDFs, now includes a header (with the idea space name) and footer (with the idea space number). This is enabled by default but can be controlled via the the Curio Preferences panel or the Curio print/export options panel.
Note the footer is the idea space number, not necessary its page number (since that could vary depending on if fit-to-page is selected).
Presentation Mode Apple Remote Support
You can now use that little 6-button remote control that came with your iMac or MacBook laptop to control Curio's presentation mode!
- Press the previous or next buttons to go to the previous or next idea space, or press the minus or plus buttons to go backwards or forwards in history.
- Press the play/pause button to toggle scaling mode.
- Press the menu button to stop the slideshow.
Presentation Mode Multi-Touch Support
Multi-touch gestures supported by Apple's newest laptops have now been added to Curio's presentation mode.
- Use 3 fingers to swipe up or down to go to the previous or next idea space, or swipe left or right to go backwards or forwards in history.
- Use 2 fingers to pinch to scale the idea space to fit the screen, or expand your fingers to turn scaling off.
Other Features
- Hyperlinks within a text figure now appear as links (aka blue text with underlines) even when not being edited.
- If hovering over a mind map figure or a list with a list title then the tooltip will show you information about the central figure or list title, respectively. That means you'll see roll-up percentage complete and start/due dates simply by hovering over the collection figure.
- When mailing a single idea space the title of the resulting file is the idea space's name instead of the project name.
- It's now easier to use the line tool to draw a line between two items in the same mind map.
Notable Fixes
- Fixed list problem where checkboxed document asset figures with no border were placed a little too far to the left.
- Fixed collections problem where tweaking a text figure would reset all asset figures on that level so they were showing 32x32 icons.
- Fixed the figure attributes imposed on an asset figure when switching between drawing "preview" or drawing "icon" modes. In short, the figure now looks nicer when switching back and forth.
- Fixed problem when jumping to a figure (via jump action or via the Search or Status shelf) the highlight was not in the correct location if the view was zoomed in or out.
- Fixed problem with figure date adornments and some locales (like Swedish) showing year instead of just month and day.
- Fixed problem where collapsing the Notes inspector made it vanish completely until you relaunched Curio.
- Fixed problem when trying to jump using idea space links or jump anchors or jump actions while in Presentation Mode.
- Deleting dozens of idea spaces at once in the Organizer is now much, much faster.
- Modified Sleuth so it spoofs Safari which makes it more compatible with some sites.