Curio 6.3 Release Notes

Release Date

December 3, 2009


Curio runs on macOS Leopard (10.5) or Snow Leopard (10.6) on PowerPC or Intel machines.

New Features

Curio 6.3 adds a few more Snow Leopard features and other fun stuff to Curio 6.

Leopard and Snow Leopard Enhancements

For both Leopard and Snow Leopard customers, you now have access to the standard Edit > Transformations submenu which allows you to uppercase, lowercase, and capitalize any selected text. In addition, you will now see the standard Edit > Speech submenu which can be used to make your Mac speak the selected text.

In the Curio's Preferences, under the Idea Space icon, you now now enable grammar checking, smart quote substitution (automatic straight quotes to curly quotes), and web link detection. Snow Leopard customers can also enable automatic spelling correction, text replacement (controlled via System Preferences > Language & Text > Text), and dash substitution (double dash to em dash substitution).

You can also modify those preferences on-the-fly when editing some text using the Edit > Spelling & Grammar submenu and the Edit > Substitutions submenu.

Status Shelf Enhancements [Pro]

You can now group your tasks by rating or priority.

Printing Improvements

First, substantial code improvements were made to the print and PDF export code modules to make them more efficient and faster, particularly for large projects.

Next, we added a useful tweak to the print footer.

The print footer currently shows the idea space number. However, if the idea space doesn't fit on the single sheet of paper then each sheet would end up with the same footer which isn't terribly useful.

So we've changed the footer to support printing the idea space number and optional sheet information. For example, if idea space #26 spans onto 9 sheets of paper then the 3rd sheet would show 26 (3 / 9) as its footer.

To accomplish this we added a new print variable {%IdeaSpaceNumberWithSheetInfo} along with a couple of helper variables: {%IdeaSpaceSheetNumber} and {%IdeaSpaceNumberOfSheets}.

If the idea space fits on a single page then {%IdeaSpaceNumberWithSheetInfo} is simply replaced with the idea space number.

But, if the idea space spans across multiple sheets it is replaced with:
{%IdeaSpaceNumber} ({%IdeaSpaceSheetNumber} / {%IdeaSpaceNumberOfSheets})

For those hackers out there, you can tweak that replacement text with this in Terminal:

defaults write com.zengobi.curio "IdeaSpaceNumberWithSheetInfo Format" -string "{%IdeaSpaceNumber} ({%IdeaSpaceSheetNumber} / {%IdeaSpaceNumberOfSheets})"

Other Features

  • When Curio activates QuickRender mode, like when drag-selecting or moving items for example, we no longer redraw figures without gradients.
  • Holding down the Shift key is now optional when pressing Command-Shift-8 to go into full screen mode.
  • You can now use the up arrow key to move up to the title of the list. Also, when creating a list we automatically select the title for initial editing.
  • In the search results, if grouping by something other than idea space, the idea space title is listed next to each item in the result list.

Notable Fixes

  • Fixed curved line clipping problem with steep curves.
  • Full screen and mini mode options are now directly under the Windows menu instead of within a submenu.
  • Fixed some undo issues that could come up when using gestures on Mac laptops.
  • Fixed a problem where hierarchy colors would sometimes not render correctly if mind map branches were rearranged.
  • Fixed problem when trying to click on or drag-select a rotated line figure.
  • Fixed dossier display so long, multiline text labels are left justified.
  • Fixed a rare timing issue with images which could result in a paused/hung/partially rendered idea space.
  • Fixed a problem where assets could be left in your Library as Unused Assets if you delete an idea space.
  • Fixed a problem where assets could be left in your Library as Unused Assets if you delete figures from within a collection such as mind map or list.
  • You can now change the color of an URL asset figure but it is forced to be underlined (so it looks like a link) and it has to be some color and not simply black. We're doing this to make sure URL asset figure links look like actual links.
  • If you have a password protected project, you are now able to mail idea spaces or drag them into the stencils or idea space templates shelf.